NEXT GEN MIRTH CONNECT:  The Best HL7 Interface Engine

Mirth Connect (MC) Cross Platform has been an open-source and free-of-cost next-generation integration engine for the health industry for more than two decades. NextGen Mirth server for the health care industry

Mirth Next Gen is defined as the transformation of messages into the health care information system as defined by you according to your own choice.

NextGen Connect allows you to define rules and policies by launching the Mirth Connect Administrator Launcher.

Best HL7 Engine

“I’ve been using interface engines for about 25 years, and Mirth Connect Integration Engine, by far, blows away the other three engines I’ve worked with.
Robert Werner
Senior developer of the University of Teledo Medical Center

MC is a channel through which health care messages are refined, filtered, and transferred from one source to another.

Muliple transformation and filiteration with each and every type of complexity is possible.

Integration Process

  1. Filtering – MC reads a message’s parameters and passes the message to or stops it on its way to the transformation stage
  2. Transformation – MC converts the incoming message standard to another standard (e.g., HL7 to xml)
  3. Extraction – MC can “pull” data from and “push” data to a database
  4. Routing – MC makes sure messages arrive at their assigned destinations.

Users use the Administrator interface to create and manage channels (message pathways):

Mirth Connect dministrator View

Message Standard Supported

Follwoing standard are supported by Next Gen MC.

  • HL7 v2.x
  • HL7 v3
  • XML
  • EDI/X12
  • Delmited Text
  • Raw
  • ASTM E1394 (commercial)

Transfer Protocol

Following protocol are suppoted

  • MLLP
  • TCP/IP
  • HTTP
  • Files
  • Database
  • S/FTP
  • Email
  • JMS
  • Web Services
  • PDF/RTF Documents
  • Custom Java and JavaScript

System Requirements & Supported Language

The Mirth Connect Server is a fully standalone application that does not require any sort of application server. The MC Server and MC Administrator are cross-platform applications that require an Oracle JRE.

The Mirth Connect Server requires a database for its configuration and message store. For quick deployment,
development, and testing, MC already includes an embedded database (Apache Derby). For production, the latest
version of MC supports these databases:

PostgreSQL 8.3+
MySQL 5.0+
Oracle 10gR2+
SQL Server 2005+

These database requirements apply only to what is used for the MC Server’s configuration and message store; they
do not pertain to the databases with which MC can interface.

Download Mirth Connect

Click on the below Downlaod Button.

Mirth User Guide

Click on the below button to for user Guide


MC is an open-source, standards-based healthcare integration engine that speeds message routing, filtering, and transformation between health-info systems over various messaging protocols (e.g., HL7, X12, EDI, DICOM, XML).

Yes. Mirth 1.0 was released in 2006 by WebReach, Inc. Based on the success of the Mirth application, WebReach,Inc. was renamed “Mirth Corporation” in 2009.

To avoid confusion between the new company name and its products, the Mirth application was renamed Mirth Connect.

NextGen Healthcare develops and fully sponsors MC with the unofficial assistance of its users, who report bugs and contribute source-code patches, feature requests, and online support.

I’ve been using interface engines for about 25 years, and Mirth Connect Integration Engine, by far, blows away the other three engines I’ve worked withMC is released under the Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved MPL 1.1 (see Mozilla Public License 1.1.), and it
costs you absolutely nothing! You can download MC free via the Mirth download page.